Our meeting with Maya has started 4 years ago. Her presence in my life as a dear mentor has consistently offered me insightful and precious advice that has touched the deepest corners of my soul. Maya's mentorship is akin to a sacred bond, a cherished connection that transcends the boundaries of ordinary companionship. Through our shared experiences and heartfelt conversations, her words have served as a beacon of light, guiding me on my spiritual journey with unwavering grace and profound depth. In the four years of our profound relationship, Maya has become an invaluable source of spiritual guidance and wisdom. In moments of uncertainty, Maya 's thoughtful insights have shed light on my path, inspiring me to see what my ego has been trying to hide from me. Maya has been a steadfast presence, offering solace, inspiration, and a gentle reminder of the inherent wisdom that resides within my soul. Her profound spiritual perspectives and intuitive glimpses have consistently uplifted my spirit, bringing clarity and peace to my journey. In these four invaluable years, Maya's mentorship has been a treasured gift — a compass that continually points me towards self - discovery, growth, and a deeper connection with my authentic self. Her work is a testament to the power of spiritual kinship, and I am forever grateful for the spiritual guidance she has bestowed upon me. Maya possesses an extraordinary gift of perceiving the essence of any situation with crystal clarity. She fearlessly delves into the depths, guiding you to discern what aligns with your highest good. Her fearlessness extends beyond the external realm, transcending personal relationships. Maya recognizes that every connection she encounters is an opportunity to delve deeper into her own being. She approaches relationships with a profound understanding that the individuals she engages with are, in essence, reflections of herself. In the realm of relationships, Maya is unafraid to traverse the realms of vulnerability and intimacy. She understands that these connections serve as mirrors, offering a perfect reflection of her own inner landscape. With a deep spiritual insight, Maya recognizes that these special relationships offer invaluable insights into her own soul, enabling her to truly know herself on a profound level. Maya's unwavering commitment to truth-seeking and her fearless embrace of pain and suffering exemplify her profound spiritual maturity. In the light of Maya's extraordinary fearlessness and profound spiritual insight, I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have the privilege of calling her now my friend. Her unwavering commitment to truth, her willingness to confront pain and suffering, and her deep understanding of the transformative power of relationships have had a profound impact on my own spiritual journey. Maya, I am deeply grateful for the connection we have nurtured over the years. Your fearlessness in seeking the truth, even in the face of discomfort, has inspired me to embrace my own journey of self-discovery with courage and authenticity. Thank you, dear Maya for the invaluable lessons you have shared, for your unwavering presence, and for being a true friend on this sacred path. Our connection is a testament to the profound ways in which spiritual friendships can enrich our lives, and I am forever grateful for the depth and beauty that our connection has brought into my existence. May our journey of growth and self-discovery continue to intertwine, and may our bond serve as a constant reminder of the transformative power of authenticity, fearlessness, and the pursuit of truth.
Beklan KayserliMechanical Engineer
Maya is love, she's like a very wide mirror to me. Even though we don't see each other in physical life much I have known her for years now and I feel in our deep mysterious connection. Every time we have session with her via call , it's deep inner work for me. She also introduced to me the Stargate meditation an I fell in love with it. It's like she makes you travels beyond dimensions so elegantly. She really can sense the energies of the subject or the situation you are in, as if she were in it. And after reading these energies like a map,she invites you to the next step. For your highest good, always. I have so much change in my life with her sessions. I am looking forward participating in the future sessions with her. Thank you Maya for BEING.
Ava Parsa PorrecaYoga Instructor, Guide
Gülden, varlığıyla orada kalbinizin hemen yanı başında duran, derin önsezisi ve keskin zekasıyla sizi şefkatle sarıp sarmalayan bir rehber. Sezgisel hediyeleri ve keskin zekası ile ile birlikte hem yaşamımda tıkandığım alanlar, özellikle özel ilişkilerim konusunda, hem de yaşamın sıradanlığı ve karmaşası içinde kaybolduğumu hissettiğim yerlerde çok desteğini gördüm. Onunla olan seanslarım bana kendimi bambaşka gözlerle görmemi sağladı ve karanlık yerlerden geçerken çok kıymetli bir mum ışığı oldu. Seanslarda en çok faydalandığım ve yaşamıma ciddi ölçüde katkı sağlayan en önemli konulardan biri, onun geçtiği karanlıkların, zor zamanların içinden müthiş bir özgüven ve ışıkla çıkarak, bana içinden geçtiğim çok benzer konularda kestirme yollar sağlaması oluyor. İçinizde bulunduğunuz durumu ve hisleri sanki kendi bedenindeymiş gibi hissedip onları dengeyle ışığa dönüştürmesini nasıl yapıyor o kısımlarını pek anlamıyorum ama bunu gerçekten sizinle sohbet ederken yapıyor.! Kendinizi her seansta daha hafif, kendine güvenen ve ışıklı bir baloncukla kaplanmış gibi buluyorsunuz ve bu gündelik yaşamınızın her yönünü kalıcı olarak etkiliyor. O bizim için yolu tüm cesaretle önden yürüyen ve birliğin bayrağını elinde tutan galaktik bir rehber. Yoluma eşlik ettiğin için ve her seansımızda bana ne kadar çok sevildiğimi tekrar hatırlattığın için teşekkür ederim.
Volkan SarubaşYoga Eğitmeni
I experienced the ‘’Releasing Past Lovers’’ session with Maya. It was such a powerful work!! It led me to release all the negative about my past relationship experiences. She prepared a space and help me to cleared the energies of all men who penetrated me energetically and physically from my womb with an energetic ritual. We did this because she suggested it in the second part of our mentoring session. I had the Stargate meditation as well. She is a great light worker and a PURE PURE soul. I'm so glad to have met her. With great love, peace and appreciation.🙏
Ufuk Ebru DölenekenMandala Teacher
Maya ile bu yolculuğun çok başındayız, yolculuk bizi nereye götürecek bilemem ama Maya ellerinden o kadar güvenle tutuyor ki, gidilecek yerin, aşılacak dağların yorgunluğundan geriye bir tebessüm kalıyor.
Tuba KayacanAkademisyen